Rolagem do vencimento semanal de CFDs
Informamos que:
- #VIXX will be rolled over from Feb-25 contract to Mar-25 contract on the 14th of February 2025.
- #Coffee will be rolled over from Mar-25 contract to May-25 contract on the 14th of February 2025.
- #Oil will be rolled over from Mar-25 contract to Apr-25 contract on the 14th of February 2025.
- #France40 will be rolled over from Feb-25 contract to Mar-25 contract on the 14th of February 2025.
- #Amsterdam25 will be rolled over from Feb-25 contract to Mar-25 contract on the 14th of February 2025.
- #Spain35 will be rolled over from Feb-25 contract to Mar-25 contract on the 14th of February 2025.
- #Cocoa will be rolled over from Mar-25 contract to May-25 contract on the 14th of February 2025.
- #Cotton will be rolled over from Mar-25 contract to May-25 contract on the 14th of February 2025.
Qualquer ordem pendente existente (ou seja, Stop Loss, Take Profit, Entry Stop ou Entry Limit) colocada em um instrumento será ajustada para refletir simetricamente (ponto a ponto) as diferenças de preço entre o contrato que está expirando e o novo contrato. escrito por: Mesa de Negociação